Specification of Company test,

  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities :
  • Place: Province Tehran
  • In the field of: laboratory equipment
  • Company Type:
  • View: 1150
Company Description
Perform all tests, electrochemical related to the project, The fuel cell(fuel cell) sensor (Sensor) - battery (Batteries)

مشاوره in the field of project fuel cell - gas sensors and battery

شامل tests impedance EIS - پولاریزاسیون polarization - فورپروب(four point)4point probe - diagrams IV - testing the guidance, validation,

توسط graduates دانشگاهای Tehran and Sharif
انجام test in the least time and the lowest price for college students

جهت coordination and consultation with the phone number
09212130935 call.
Contact information
Nameادیب ادیب
Tel+98 -9×××1130935callMake Call