Specification of Company dialect international immigrant

  • Company registration date: 2009-03-21
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities : Service company
  • Place: Province Alborz
  • In the field of: Services
  • Company Type: Private
  • View: 2117
Company Description
Institute of cultural, artistic and skill center booklet \" the dialect of international immigrants \" to the management of Mrs. jamali, subject, activity, teaching English conversation to people over 20 years, in the year 1388 to the registration number 1419 was established.

از honors the institution can be mentioned the following.

received letter of appreciation from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic guidance in cultural festival, artistic and training, the country

receive citations as a center for skills training examples from the Directorate General of Culture and Islamic guidance of Iran, in the year

get the international certificate ( Customer Satisfaction ) Of the Academy and the QAL UK

received letter of appreciation from the house of Industry, mine and Trade of Iran and the National Center for the competition

get the certificate of ISO 9001 – 2008 ( Quality Management )

receive a certificate and a statuette, the elders of customer satisfaction of Iran Management Association with credit organizations: Ministry of science, research and technology, standards and industrial research of Iran and organization of management and planning

مؤسسین the center with the experience of 15 years in the field of English language teaching (conversation) to adults, and studying in one of Best College of United Kingdom (Copford College), devised a new method and simple ( TEML - Teaching English as Mother Language ) Teaching English, the native language. is a major step to solve the problems of the adult (over 20 years) in the field of learning conversational language removed, and by creating a space friendly, providing educational facilities and welfare. the way to
زبان students, smoothly, and time's short as well. It will also try to create motivation, interest and sense of satisfaction in learners, self-reliance to them, and by showing the correct way, etc. learners make in passing from this direction, helping our.
Teaching English conversation
Specifically, (افرادبالای 20 years)

Contact information
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