Faraz Asanbar Ata Elevator Service Company\r\nService and maintenance and emergency repairs of the elevator\r\nWe are ready to serve in all areas of Greater Tehran as soon as possible.\r\nOne year free elevator insurance (teacher insurance)\r\nUnion member\r\nOfficially licensed by the National Escalator and Elevator Union (Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade)\r\nIf you live in Tehran and need an expert and professional elevator service and repairman, we are at Faraz Asanbarata with an expert staff.\r\n02144254380\r\n09197272655\r\n09991221293-7\r\nTehran, Azadi St., in front of Qarib St., next to Refah Bank, Qarib Innovation Tower, 5th floor, unit 43, Faraz Asanbar Ata elevator service\r\nPostal code: 1311773935\r\nwww.farazasanbarata.ir\r\nhttps://www.instagram.com/farazasanbarata\r\nhttps://t.me/farazasanbarata\r\nhttps://www.aparat.com/farazasanbarata\r\n\r\nImportant points in elevator service and maintenance, performing inspections, regular repairs and replacing elevator parts, what is the importance of elevator service, the importance of elevator service and maintenance, training in elevator service and elevator maintenance, checking the control panel, checking the clutter, checking elevator emergency rescue, the best elevator service in Tehran, the best Elevator company and brand in Tehran, elevator design and assembly license, elevator repair (1403 fee schedule), 24-hour support for elevator repair, service request from the elevator company, elevator repair, elevator service + fee 1403, urgent elevator repair, Tehran elevator repair and service, Tehran elevator repair and service | The best elevator repair service companies in Tehran with experienced elevator repair staff in East Tehran, Faraz Asanbarata elevator service, periodic and monthly elevator service and maintenance, elevator service, 1403 monthly and periodic elevator maintenance, what does elevator service include, elevator service, maintenance and inspection Elevator maintenance service Strong support at a reasonable price for elevator service and maintenance - providing professional services at a reasonable price for service and maintenance and elevator support services, service and maintenance and elevator support services, Faraz Asanbar Ata Elevator Service Company is ready for service and maintenance of Faraz Asanbar Ata Elevator Service Company, companies with Elevator design and assembly license for Faraz Asanbarata elevator maintenance companies in Tehran, complete information on elevator service and maintenance rules, list of elevator maintenance and repair companies, list of companies with elevator design and assembly license, list of companies with elevator and escalator design and assembly license, introduction The best elevator companies in Tehran. Important points in elevator service. Important points in elevator service and maintenance.\r\n\r\nContact phone: 09197272655