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Sell Offers Consultation & Designing Province Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari

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        Designing lighting, sockets, antennas and paging with Dialux, Autocad and digsilent software.

        معرفی نرم افزار دیالوکس: یکی از نرم افزارهای رایگان و محبوب در زمینه طراحی مهندسی روشنایی و نورپردازی پروژه های ساختمانی، نرم افزار دیالوکس (Dialux) می باشد. این نرم افزار در 25 زبان گوناگون ارائه گردیده است. و بیش از 700 هزار کاربرد دارد. عامل اصلی استفاده از نرم افزار دیالوکس در طراحی، تطابق نتیجه برای نورپردازی هرمکان با استانداردهای جهانی می باشد. درکشور نیز استفاده از این نرم افزار بسیار رایج است. زیرا برای شرکت های تولیدکننده لوازم روشنایی این امکان وجود دارد که اطلاعات فنی محصولات خود را بصورت پلاگین در نرم افزار دیالوکس قرار دهند و برای کاربر ارائه نمایند. کاربرهای کشور نرم افزار دیالوکس این امکان را دارند تا در مدلسازی و شبیه سازی های خود از تجهیزات نورپردازی شرکت های معروفی از جمله پارس شهاب و اکووات، استفاده نمایند زیرا این شرکت ها پلاگین‌های خود را در این نرم‌افزار دارند. امکانات نرم افزار دیالوکس: • توانایی نورپردازی فضاهایی مانند: فضای داخلی ساختمان، نمای خارجی، معابر، فضای سبز و … • دارا بودن کتابخانه ای قدرتمند از المان هایی چون: دیوارهای آجری، شیشه‌ای، در و پنجره، لوازم منزل و … در خود. • نمایش طبیعی‌تر مدل‌سازی‌های کاربران. • امکان Import و Export فایل‌های اتوکد با پسوند DWG و فایل‌های 3DMAX. • امکان شبیه‌سازی دو و سه‌ بعدی پروژه و اجزای آن پیش از اجرا. • محاسبه روشنایی موردنیاز محیط با وارد کردن پارامترهایی چون: ابعاد، رنگ و منابع نور موجود. • امکان تشخیص بهترین محل قرار دادن لامپ‌ها، تعداد و قدرت آنها برای کاربر با استفاده از این نرم افزار. طراحی روشنایی اماکن مختلف در طراحی روشنایی اماکن مختلف اعم از اماکن صنعتی، اداری، مسکونی، محوطه، ورزشگاه و ... از روش های متفاوتی استفاده می شود که همگی این روش ها به وسیله نرم افزار دیالوکس پیاده سازی می گردند. در طراحی روشنایی ، پارامترهای مهمی وجود دارد که هر طراح روشنایی می بایست به آن ها توجه لازم را داشته باشد. این پارامتر ها عبارتند از : شدت نور به مقدار نوری که از یک منبع روشنایی در یک زاویه فضایی مشخص خارج می شود، شدت نور گفته می شود. برای درک بهتر این موضوع، دو لامپ با شار نوری برابر را در نظر بگیرید که مقدار زاویه تابش لامپ اول 120 درجه و لامپ دوم 60 درجه می باشد. طبق تعریف بالا، لامپ دوم با زاویه تابش کمتر دارای شدت نور بیشتری خواهد بود. (مقدار نور با شدت نور متفاوت است.) که البته به دنبال آن لامپ به علت زاویه تابش کمتر دارای پخش نور کمتری خواهد بود. واحد شدت نور کاندل یا کاندلا می باشد و با cd نمایش داده می شود. میزان شدت روشنایی برای مکان های با کاربری مختلف با هم فرق دارد که می توانید برای اطلاع دقیق تر از میزان شدت روشنایی برای هر مکان از لینک زیر استفاده کنید. میزان شدت روشنایی برای مکان های مختلف شار نوری به میزان نوری که از منبع نور در همه­ ی جهت ها ساطع می شود شارنوری گفته می شود و واحد اندازه گیری میزان شار نوری Lumen است. شدت روشنایی به میزان شار نوری که بر واحد سطح (m2) وارد می شود، شدت روشنایی گفته می شود و واحد آن لومن بر متر مربع می باشد. درخشندگی درخشندگی، میزان شدت نوری است که از یک سطح (منبع روشنایی یا سطح بازتاب کننده نور) به چشم انسان تابیده می شود. پارامتر درخشندگی را در جداول فنی با L نمایش می دهند که واحد آن کاندلا بر متر مربع cd/m2 می باشد. یکنواختی مقدار بیشترین شدت روشنایی به شدت روشنایی میانگین را یکنواختی گفته می شود. پخش نور پخش نور افقی به میزان شدت روشنایی که به صورت افقی به جسم تابیده می شود، پخش نور افقی گفته می شود. پخش نور عمودی به میزان شدت روشنایی که به صورت عمودی به جسم تابیده می شود، پخش نور عمودی گفته می شود. طراحی مفهومی (Concept Design) • انجام فاز مطالعاتی، بررسی پروژه های • مشابهبررسی استانداردهای مرتبط • تهیه ترسیم های شماتیک و نمایش ایده کلی نمایش ایده با نرم افزارهای کمکی مانند فوتوشاپ و.. طراحی جزئیات (Detail Design) • شبیه سازی با نرم افزارهای تخصصی روشنایی DIALux و Relux • تهیه نقشه های الکتریکی • تهیه نقشه های جزئیات نصب • تهیه برنامه نرم افزاری در صورت وجود LMS KEY Emin - minimum illuminance Em - maintained average illuminance Lm - maintained average luminance Uo - overall uniformity Ul - longitudinal uniformity TI - threshold increment SR - surround ratio

        Consultation & Designing Tehran
      • Execution of office parking canopy

        Execution of office parking canopy

        Design and execution of office parking canopy: Office parking canopy is one of the most popular products that can be designed and implemented for all offices and commercial complexes in the country. Saye Sazan Kourosh Company is active in the field of designing and implementing office parking canopies as well as other types of light structures. The company relies on the knowledge and science of structural engineering and architectural engineering, the best light structures including office parking canopies, home awnings, light sheds, sheds or light rooms, walls and roller shutters and ... Designs and executes. The design of office parking canopy in the company of Saye Sazan Kourosh will be done using the rules and regulations of the world, in addition, structural engineers use advanced software to design office canopies to a quality structure and Design and produce in accordance with the latest technology in the world. It should be noted that the implementation of office parking canopies will be done by very experienced executors, they will implement very high quality structures by considering safety points as well as very important executive points. It is worth mentioning that Saye Sazan Kourosh Company offers all its light products and structures to dear applicants at a reasonable and affordable price. Therefore, you can provide the highest quality, highest quality and best structures at the lowest price. Are designed and built. Design and implementation of office parking canopy can be done as follows: 1. One-way office parking canopy 2. Two-way office parking canopy The purpose of designing and implementing a one-way parking canopy is that in this type of canopy, shading is done from one side and the other side of the canopy will not be able to provide shading. One-sided office canopy can be designed and implemented in different environments with different sizes and dimensions. It should be noted that home awnings are also usually designed and implemented as one-sided awnings. Usually the design and implementation of office parking canopies will be two-sided (if there is enough space). The design of the double-sided parking canopy is such that the canopy will be able to cast shadows on both sides. In this type of canopies, the column is located in the middle of the structure and the canopy roof is located on both sides of the column. The design and execution of office canopies in a two-way manner allows more cars to park under the canopy shade and enjoy its benefits. Fortunately, Saye Sazan Kourosh Company offers all its products with a 10-year valid warranty, which will ensure the quality of the products provided for you dear ones and the goodwill of Saye Sazan Kourosh. You can visit the following website for more information:

        Consultation & Designing Tehran
      • Shed and building

        Shed and building

        Construction of all types of sheds under the supervision of a technical team of senior structural engineers. Production of step z (Zedband) with regular holes and the same dimensions for all types of sheds at a reasonable price.

        Consultation & Designing Khorasan Razavi
      • Design and implementation of

        Design and implementation of

        showroom One of the most important design factors of a showroom is the ability to present the product naturally by the designed space. Utilizing design elements will increase the ability of the sales team to present the product. We specialize in our work. Using sufficient expertise and experience in the field of consulting and designing and implementing modern and classic villas and new and different ideas and using up-to-date technologies in the design of villas as well as the system We are ready to provide services to esteemed employers. Our commitment goes beyond our agreements. Consulting, design and implementation of professional and luxury interior decoration and three-dimensional design with executive details design and implementation of landscaping and lighting design Architecture and structures based on the principles of engineering and municipal system for residential, office and industrial units Implementation of zero to one hundred decoration projects and consulting for the provision of materials and accessories Implementation of industrial projects, design and implementation of factories Repairs Factories and principles of factories and building restoration Design and implementation of wastewater treatment systems for factories and industrial estates

        Consultation & Designing Alborz
      • Design and construction of composite structures

        Design and construction of composite structures

        Anti-acid and corrosive composite structures of Kian Sanat Nikan Isatis Company are an ideal alternative \r\nfor metal structures suitable for wet and acidic and earthquake-prone places.\r\n\r\nThese structures are carefully designed and visited by The installation location is carried out for the customer.\r\nThe characteristics of these structures are anti-acid, anti-wear, anti-earthquake and anti-corrosion.\r\nThis structure is suitable for house batteries in electric and transmission substations and oil industries. It is gas and petrochemical.\r\n\r\nAll the parts and accessories of industrial equipment are available.\r\nTo request the product and get more information, please contact.\r\nCell phone: 09131584703 \r\nCentral office : 03537308249

        Consultation & Designing Yazd
      • Design, manufacture and sale of luxury pergola pavilions

        Design, manufacture and sale of luxury pergola pavilions

        With more than two decades of experience in the design, production and sale of pergola metal gazebos, Bozorgmehr Industrial Group is one of the most famous and reliable manufacturers of prefabricated gazebos in the east of the country. \r\n\r\nBourgmehr brand modern pavilions are used in courtyards, terraces, roof gardens, public places, gardens, etc. The luxury pergola gazebos of the Bozormehr brand are made entirely of CNC sheet, which have an electrostatic furnace color and are in the form of bolts and nuts. are sent Due to the bolt and nut nature of these laser metal gazebos, they are quick and easy to install and can be assembled and disassembled as well as transported to any place. For more information, you can contact the sales department experts through Call the following numbers. Please see the photos in the ad

        Consultation & Designing Khorasan Razavi
      • Novin Gozer smart house Manufacturer of smart building equipment

        Novin Gozer smart house Manufacturer of smart building equipment

        Novin Goz Smart House \r\nNovin Goz Smart House is a manufacturer of home smart equipment, office and commercial building smart, hotel smart, villa garden smart, hospital smart. This company is a specialized operator of smart hotel, smart parking, smart villa garden, smart shopping center and smart store, and smart hospital. All the smart home and building products of Novin Gozr are designed based on the LoRa communication protocol. LoRa is an advanced wireless communication protocol. Laura's intelligentization protocol does not have the disadvantages of KNX, Wi-Fi, NRF and RF protocols, i.e. high costs of building wiring, low security, low communication range and threats to the health of users. nThe most important reasons that distinguish Novin-Gazr Smarting Company from other house and building smarting companies are:\r\n• Design and production of zero to one hundred smarting equipment by Novin-Gazr's expert team\r\n• Smarting equipment based on Laura communication protocol LoRa \r\n• The use of wireless equipment and no need for additional costs for changes in the wiring of the building\r\n• It has a long communication range of more than 300 meters without the need for any additional costs for the amplifier\r\n• It is very secure above due to complex encryption\r\n• Guarantee the health of users against dangerous waves (due to Laura communication technology)\r\n• 12 months warranty and 24 months after-sales service\r\n\r\nWe at Smart Home Navin Gazar tries to bring your dreams closer to reality so that you can intelligently control the pulse of your life by using our creative suggestions. Our experts are always trying to provide you with a set of the highest quality products and services and provide them with a guarantee and reliable after-sales services throughout Greater Iran. Think creatively, live smartly!

        Consultation & Designing Tehran
      • Architectural sheet and preparation of phase one and two architectural plans

        Architectural sheet and preparation of phase one and two architectural plans

        Xowan Architecture Group\r\n◇ Presenting architectural green card in all cities of Tehran Province\r\n◇ Designing phase one and two architectural plans\r\n◇ Building facade design and interior design and landscaping\r\n◇ Contact us for consultation, preparation and purchase of architectural sheets.

        Consultation & Designing Tehran
    Consultation & Designing
    Price list and consulting and design of civil and building, including pool design, three-dimensional designer of mechanical and electrical installations, floor heating design, design and construction of interior decoration