نانوبسپار ITAK
Company Nano bespar ITAK terms of goals and outlook, that plan on doing, successful in the field of oil and gas, petro-chemical ... plans underway, there are K in the unit R&D with the custody, management, collection to results much contemplate controversial find. Including these designs can be used to plan سولفورزدایی of petroleum products includes gasoline, oil, and condensate referred also including other schemes managed plan, the octane increase of a plant that has been very successful, and favorable results is reached. This product without any Gon, the material آلایندده environmental lead to increased efficiency of fuel, reducing the pollutants output and reduce fuel consumption. According to the company goals in the development of activities in the field of oil and natural gas, it is hoped successful projects else where in the research and development stage are coming soon to the market supply.
Set peas the tub
Traditional sales and internet peas the tube, the reference provider products, automotive products, ranging from spray, industrial products, etc. خوشبوها, etc., liquids, automotive products, etc. polishing of ceramic body, etc., nano-materials, etc., glue etc. the essential supplies and ... that is proud in partnership with the largest businessmen of the country, the best and most desirable brand products active in this field for wholesale and retail supply. This products is the largest and most reputable providers and suppliers of the country in the pace van to be supplied, and each of the brands is raised in this context is a separate page dedicated to your pace, the tub will be.
The production of a variety of gear and bearing and all kinds of industrial parts
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