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  • Server Room Control and Monitoring System

    ساختار چنین سیستمی از المانهای کنترل و ابزار دقیق ساخته شده و اندازه گیری پارامتر ها همگی فیزیکی می باشند به همین دلیل انتخاب یک سیستم با توانایی های معقول و قابل اعتماد که بتواند تمامی پارامتر های موجود در اتاق سرور را مانیتور نماید بسیار حایز اهمیت است در چنین شرایطی انتخاب شرکت سازنده تجهیزات و حتی اساس نامه شرکت بیش از پیش اهمیت پیدا کرده چرا که با توجه به توسعه سیستمهای سروری در ایران بسیاری از شرکتها با دیدن فضای موجود بدون داشتن تخصص کافی در این زمینه وارد این میدان شده و به دلیل اطلاعات کم مدیران در زمینه سیستمهای اتوماسیون صنعتی متاسفانه انتخاب درستی برای پیمانکار صورت نگرفته و آخرالعمر تجهیزی در اتاق سرور نصب گردیده که اصلا و ابدا کارایی لازم را نداشته و نمی توان به آن اعتماد کرد با توجه به این موضوع شرکت پیشران صتعت ویرا ضمن داشتن تخصص در این زمینه و تغییرات و بازبینی های بسیار زیادی که در سیستم کنترل اتاق سرور ایجاد نموده به یک سیستم قابل اعتماد مبتنی بر سخت افزار plc دست یافته که از هر حیث قابلیت مقایسه با آنچه اصطلاحا مدل ایده ال اتاق سرور است را دارا می باشد در ادامه مشخصات و قابلیتهای این سیستم از نظرتان می گذرد سیستم مانیتورینگ اتاق سرور SRC2.2 قادر است تا 1)به محض افزایش دما یا رطوبت اعلام خطر را به صورت اس ام اس یا میس کال به مدیر یا مسئولین اعلام نماید. 2)به محض افزایش دما از محدوده خطر فرایند ویژه ای را برای کنترل دما رقم بزند یا سرور را برای جلوگیری از سوختن خاموش کند. 3)به محض تجاوز دما از محدوده مجاز آژیر و یا چراغهای خطر را روشن نماید. 4)قابلیت دریافت دستور از مدیر در هر شرایطی را توسط موبایل داشته باشد. 5)دما و رطوبت فعلی را نمایش دهد. 6)قابلیت اتصال به همه سنسورهای موجود آتش ، دود ،نشت آب،ورود غیر مجاز ، ضربه ، قطع برق شبکه ، قطع یو پی اس، نوسان برق ورودی ، کاهش و یا افزایش سطح ولتاژ مجاز برق ، قطع یک یا دو فاز در سیستمهای سه فاز ، قطع برق خود دستگاه مانیتورینگ اتاق سرور را دارد. 7)قابلیت رصد کردن دمای داخل رک سرورها و وضعیت شرایط محیطی اتاق سرور با موبایل را دارد. 8)تمامی آلارمها را مانند افزایش دما و رطوبت - وجود دود -وجود و نشت آب- خاموش شدن کولر ها - بروز مشکل در کمپرسور یا کندانسور کولرها از قبیل نشت گاز و عدم خنک گنندگی ، ورود غیر مجاز ، نوسان و کاهش و افزایش شدید برق را روی موبایل اطلاع می دهد. 9)قابلیت کنترل اتوماتیک کولرها یا اتوماسیون تهویه اتاق سرور را دارد. 10)در صورت قطع برق به کاربران به صورت اس ام اس پیغام می دهد. 11)در صورت دو فاز شدن شبکه پیغام می دهد. 12)مدیریت سیستم خنک کننده را برای کاهش بار و کاهش استهلاک بصورت هوشمند بعهده می گیرد. 13)قابلیت ثبت اطلاعات دما و رطوبت را تا 10 سال دارد و منحنی تغییرات دما و رطوبت را ترسیم می کند. 14)می توان با پورت ethernet به آن متصل شد و به آن فرمان داد و سیستم را کنترل نمود. 15)قابلیت جابه جایی کولر ها در مدت زمان مشخص برای استهلاک مساوی کولر ها در آن پیش بینی شده است . 16)قابلیت روشن کردن کولر های رزرو در صورت خرابی هر کدام از کولر های موجود در آن پیش بینی شده است. 17)قابلیت روشن کردن کولرها در صورت قطع برق و وصل مجدد برق را خواهد داشت . 18)قابلیت زمان کارکرد متعارف با توجه به توان هر کولر را دارد تا هزینه های سرویس و نگهداری کاهش یابد. 19)از وجود بیشترین سنسورهای حفاظتی مختلف در محیط اتاق بهره میبرد تا درجه امنیت سیستم افزایش یابد. 20)قابلیت تعریف آلارم برای هر سنسور بطور مجزا در آن پیش بینی شده است. 21)قابلیت دریافت دمای سنسورهای مختلف روی موبایل جزو ویژگیهای آن است. 22)قابلیت ارسال هشدار به نگهبانی به صورت صوتی و تصویری با یک نمایشگر مجزا را دارد. 23)آلارم صوتی و نوری در صورت بروز هر نوع خطا در اتاق سرور. 24)اطلاع از زمان قطع برق و وصل مجدد برق. 25)قابلیت کنترل و مانیتورینگ کلیه پارامترهای سنسورهای آنالوگ را دارد. 26)دستی و اتوماتیک کردن کولر ها در آن پیش بینی گردیده که در زمانهای تعمیر و نگهداری بسادگی بدون نیاز به هیچ تغییراتی بتوان به این موضوع رسید. 27)نمایش وضعیت سیستم بصورت کامل روی پنل صنعتی(hmi) 28 )نمایش دما ها و رطوبتها روی پنل صنعتی (hmi) 29)قابلیت گرفتن وضعیت فعلی هشدار ها با موبایل 30)قابلیت گرفتن دما و رطوبت فعلی با موبایل 31)قابلیت ,,WEB BASE-WIN BASE , IP BASE 32)قابلیت سیستم کنترلر موازی 33)قابلیت اضافه کردن تعداد مانیتورهای سخت افزاری 34)قابلیت حذف مانیتورهای سخت افزاری 35)قابلیت مدیریت بحران در شرایط اضطرار 37)سیستم کات اوت برق شبکه در صورت بروز آتش سوزی 38)کنترل دستی و اتوماتیک سیستم اسپیلیت و یا کولینگ 39)منطبق بر پروتکل tia942 میباشد. 40)ارتباطات داخلی به صورت مودباس امن طراحی شده است. 41)سخت افزار مطمین و قابل اعتماد پی ال سی دارد. 42)سیستم چکاب تجهیزات الکترونیک خودکار دارد. 43)کنترل سیستم از چند نقطه بطور همزمان در شبکه سازمانی امکان پذیر است. 44)سیستم جامع مدیریتی دارد که امکان مانیتور کردن تمامی اتاق سرورهای تحت پوشش یک سازمان را در یک اتاق کنترل رصد و مانیتور می نماید. 45)قابلیت اتصال صفحه مانیتورینگ تاچ اسکرین برای نگهبانی و واحدهای نظارتی دارد. 46)سخت افزار قابل اعتماد صنعتی دارد. 47)سخت افزار مازولار بوده و در صورت نیاز به خدمات تعمیری در کمترین زمان ممکن قابل انجام است. 48)پروتکل ارتباطی با کامپیوتر tcp/ip و پرو تکل ارتباط با سنسورهای دما مودباس میباشد. 49)دارای مکانیزم سمکرون کردن با کامپیوتر است. 50)هیچ گونه خطای نادرست و یا غیر واقعی برای اتاق سرورصادر نمیکند. 51)در دمای بالا قابلیت کارکرد در اتاق سرور را دارد. 52)گزارش گیر ی از آن در 2 تقویم شمسی و میلادی امکان پذیر است. 53)گزارش دما و رطوبت اتاق سرور روی فرمت فابل اکسل و نمودار خروجی در بازه زمانی تعریف شده درست میکند. 54)گزارش آلارمها و هشدارهای مستقل از دما و رطوبت به کاربر می دهد. 55)گزارش مستقلی از تعداد دفعات لاگین شدن به سیستم می دهد. 56)نمودار و گراف خروجی قابلیت تعریف اندازه و اسکیل را دارد. 57)برای تک تک سنسورها قابلیت تعریف محدوده مجاز دارد. 58)برای تک تک سنسورها قابلیت تعریف نوع هشدار (آژیر- اس ام اس -ایمیل ) دارد. این امکانات با سخت افزار بسیار مطمین و امن صنعتی ساخته شده است به همین دلیل این شرکت جزو وندور لیست شرکتهای نفت و گاز و صنابع نظامی است برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد محصول فوق کافی است به وبسایت این شرکت سر بزنید

  • Server room intelligence system

    This system has the ability to record and monitor and warn about various errors in the server room, including temperature and humidity, water leaks, power outages, smoke and fire, UPS outages, unauthorized entry, etc. The above system, which consists of 3 parts of software, hardware and framework, was designed and built in Iran and is currently used by large public and private companies. The smart server room system src2.2 is one of the most advanced systems available, which even includes the ability to add sensors that have not yet been invented in the server room discussion. The src2.2 control and monitoring system, in addition to recording the temperature and humidity data of the data center server room, has the ability to monitor online and offline, so it can be used both in the internal network and in the web environment. The src2.2 server room intelligent control system mechanism allows the user to adjust the details related to the type and manner of receiving alarms (SMS-siren-pop-up and email) according to the conditions and characteristics and sensitivity of that organization. Another distinguishing feature of this system is the use of modular hardware, so that if necessary, the maintenance and repair times of this system are minimized and if additional features are needed, this addition can be done easily. The most important feature of the src2.2 system is that it has extremely high stability, that is, this system has almost zero errors due to the use of industrial hardware in its structure, which is very important from this point of view. that just one failure to notify a warning in the server room can cause millions of damages in the hardware and more than that in the data of the server room Types of warning sensors 1) Increase in temperature 2) Increase in humidity 3) Network power cut 4) Disconnect UPS 5) Increase in smoke 6) Water leakage 7) The door of the server room remains open 8) Unauthorized entry to the server room 9) Hit the rack 10) Electricity fluctuation 11) Increasing the temperature of the rack 12) Increasing the temperature of the spilt and the failure sensor of the cooler 13) Battery discharge 14) Opening the rack door 15) Cooler compressor burning 16) Condenser freezing 17) Cooler fuse disconnection 18) Warning of sensors not working properly 19) Existence of fire 20) Prevention of combustion 21) Getting pregnant with a null wire 22) Biphasing of the network 23) Increase in dust 24) Refrigeration system gas exit 25) Increasing or decreasing the network voltage from the allowed range Types of SRC2.2 system alarm and warning methods 1) On-site warning in the form of an audio siren (guard or janitor) 2) On-site warning in the form of an optical flash (guarding or janitor) 3) Warning in place on the main display in the form of a danger sign 4) Warning on the screen in the form of a led light (related to src2.11) 5) On-site warning in the form of a clear sound (related to src2.11) 6) Warning on the computer screen as a popup 7) LED warning on the computer screen 8) Alert on mobile phone in the form of SMS 9) Warning on email 10) Warning in the place of a change in the color of the graph 11) Warning as misscall Ability to separate alerts Any code

  • 48 core fiber optic network joint (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur company is a producer of all kinds of optical fiber waxing peripherals under the brand name (Nira).\r\nThe fiber optic joint is considered as passive fiber optic equipment and its job is to protect the welding point of the optical fiber. In fact, the optical fiber joint is only used to protect the connections of optical fiber fibers (fused fibers) and the fiber connection operation takes place inside the fiber cassettes inside the joint. Optical fiber cassettes in 12 core and 24 core types can be provided as accessories of this product.

  • Standing rack 40 units, 60 drawers deep

    Chatra standing rack 40 units, 600 mm deep is considered a suitable option for maintaining and protecting all kinds of network and telecommunications essentials and parts. Also, this type of rack is used to maintain and protect radio devices and television transmitters. By using trays that can be installed in the rack, a wide range of devices that cannot be installed in the rack, such as switches, amplifiers, modulators, and DVRs, can be stored in this rack.\r\nTechnical Specifications\r\nIt has a tempered glass front door and a switch lock with a handle\r\nAbility to install front door of HP design (full net door with bee punch and arched)\r\nSide doors with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nBack door with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nThe ability to install a hinged back door with a bee punch\r\nIt has a cable passage cover panel with a hair brush in the upper part behind the rack\r\nIt has a cable pass-through panel with 5 holes with the ability to open each hole as desired\r\nIt has 4 fixed bases and 4 wheels without brakes\r\nIt has 4 adapters with printed units and can be moved in the depth of the rack\r\nThe ability to install 2 fans with a depth of 600\r\nIt has a cover for passing the cable in the back of the rack

  • Standing rack, 14 units, 80 drawers deep

    14 unit standing rack, 800 mm deep, Chatra is considered a suitable option for maintaining and protecting all kinds of network and telecommunications essentials and parts. Also, this type of rack is used to maintain and protect radio devices and television transmitters. By using trays that can be installed in the rack, a wide range of devices that cannot be installed in the rack, such as switches, amplifiers, modulators, and DVRs, can be stored in this rack.\r\nTechnical Specifications\r\nIt has a tempered glass front door and a switch lock with a handle\r\nSide doors with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nBack door with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nIt has a cable passage cover panel with a hair brush in the upper part behind the rack\r\nIt has a cable pass-through panel with 5 holes with the ability to open each hole as desired\r\nIt has 4 fixed bases and 4 wheels without brakes\r\nIt has 4 adapters with printed units and can be moved in the depth of the rack\r\nThe ability to install 4 fans with a depth of 800\r\nIt has a cover for passing the cable in the back of the rack

  • Standing rack 18 units, 80 drawers deep

    18-unit standing rack, 800 mm deep, Chatra is considered a suitable option for maintaining and protecting all kinds of network and telecommunications essentials and parts. Also, this type of rack is used to maintain and protect radio devices and television transmitters. By using trays that can be installed in the rack, a wide range of devices that cannot be installed in the rack, such as switches, amplifiers, modulators, and DVRs, can be stored in this rack.\r\nTechnical Specifications\r\nIt has a tempered glass front door and a switch lock with a handle\r\nSide doors with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nBack door with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nIt has a cable passage cover panel with a hair brush in the upper part behind the rack\r\nIt has a cable pass-through panel with 5 holes with the ability to open each hole as desired\r\nIt has 4 fixed bases and 4 wheels without brakes\r\nIt has 4 adapters with printed units and can be moved in the depth of the rack\r\nThe ability to install 4 fans with a depth of 800\r\nIt has a cover for passing the cable in the back of the rack

  • Standing rack 22 units, 60 drawers deep

    22 unit standing rack, 600 mm deep, Chatra is considered a suitable option for maintaining and protecting all kinds of network and telecommunications essentials and parts. Also, this type of rack is used to maintain and protect radio devices and television transmitters. By using trays that can be installed in the rack, a wide range of devices that cannot be installed in the rack, such as switches, amplifiers, modulators, and DVRs, can be stored in this rack.\r\nTechnical Specifications\r\nIt has a tempered glass front door and a switch lock with a handle\r\nSide doors with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nBack door with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nIt has a cable passage cover panel with a hair brush in the upper part behind the rack\r\nIt has a cable pass-through panel with 5 holes with the ability to open each hole as desired\r\nIt has 4 fixed bases and 4 wheels without brakes\r\nIt has 4 adapters with printed units and can be moved in the depth of the rack\r\nThe ability to install 2 fans with a depth of 600\r\nIt has a cover for passing the cable in the back of the rack

  • Standing rack, 32 units, 60 drawers deep

    Chatra 32-unit standing rack, 600 mm deep, is considered a suitable option for maintaining and protecting all kinds of network and telecommunications essentials and components. Also, this type of rack is used to maintain and protect radio devices and television transmitters. By using trays that can be installed in the rack, a wide range of devices that cannot be installed in the rack, such as switches, amplifiers, modulators, and DVRs, can be stored in this rack.\r\nTechnical Specifications\r\nIt has a tempered glass front door and a switch lock with a handle\r\nAbility to install front door of HP design (full net door with bee punch and arched)\r\nSide doors with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nBack door with two-way sliding lock and the ability to install a switch lock\r\nThe ability to install a hinged back door with a bee punch\r\nIt has a cable passage cover panel with a hair brush in the upper part behind the rack\r\nIt has a cable pass-through panel with 5 holes with the ability to open each hole as desired\r\nIt has 4 fixed bases and 4 wheels without brakes\r\nIt has 4 adapters with printed units and can be moved in the depth of the rack\r\nThe ability to install 2 fans with a depth of 600\r\nIt has a cover for passing the cable in the back of the rack

  • Open space rack 9 units depth 600

    مشخصات تولید شده از ورق گالوانیزه مستحکم و ضد زنگ پوشش رنگ الکترواستاتیک مقاوم در برابر شرایط محیطی دارای درجه محافظتی IP55 مناسب جهت نصب تجهیزات 19 اینچ دارای ورودی کابل در کف رک با امکان کاربرد گلند کابل در سه سایز متفاوت دارای هواکش با طرح زیبا و مجهز به فیلتر جاذب گرد و غبار امکان نصب 2 عدد فن در سقف رک ها جهت تهویه موثر هوای گرم آداپتورهای مستحکم با پوشش آبکاری و شماره یونیت های چاپ شده سیستم درب ضد سرقت دستگیره با کیفیت با امکان نصب قفل آویز جهت امنیت بیشتر سقف دوجداره شیب دار جهت محافظت از بارش و تابش مستقیم آفتاب امکان نصب بر روی دیوار امکان نصب بر روی دکل بوسیله کیت نصب فلزی امکان نصب بر روی زمین

  • Open space rack 18 units depth 800

    مشخصات تولید شده از ورق گالوانیزه مستحکم و ضد زنگ پوشش رنگ الکترواستاتیک مقاوم در برابر شرایط محیطی دارای درجه محافظتی IP55 مناسب جهت نصب تجهیزات 19 اینچ دارای ورودی کابل در کف رک با امکان کاربرد گلند کابل در سه سایز متفاوت دارای هواکش با طرح زیبا و مجهز به فیلتر جاذب گرد و غبار امکان نصب 2 عدد فن در سقف رک ها جهت تهویه موثر هوای گرم آداپتورهای مستحکم با پوشش آبکاری و شماره یونیت های چاپ شده سیستم درب ضد سرقت دستگیره با کیفیت با امکان نصب قفل آویز جهت امنیت بیشتر سقف دوجداره شیب دار جهت محافظت از بارش و تابش مستقیم آفتاب امکان نصب بر روی دیوار امکان نصب بر روی دکل بوسیله کیت نصب فلزی امکان نصب بر روی زمین

  • Wall rack, 6 units, 60 drawers deep

    Wall racks are racks with small dimensions and the ability to be installed on the wall, which are used to install all kinds of active and passive equipment, including all kinds of switches, in the low-density parts of the access layer. Also, in cases where there is not enough space to use standing racks or in small networks where standing racks are not used, wall racks are a suitable option for protecting network equipment. Technical Specifications Light weight and solid structure Equipped with a spring pin system for easy separation of the front door Glass front door with strong metal frame It has a cable passage cover panel with a hair brush in the upper part behind the rack Switch lock system to prevent unauthorized access Air conditioning slots in the front of the roof and the bottom of the rack Plating cover of adapters and supports Cable passage in the ceiling and floor for ease of cabling Installation position of 1 fan on the roof of the rack

  • Wall rack, 9 units, 60 drawers deep

    Wall racks are racks with small dimensions and the ability to be installed on the wall, which are used to install all kinds of active and passive equipment, including all kinds of switches, in the low-density parts of the access layer. Also, in cases where there is not enough space to use standing racks or in small networks where standing racks are not used, wall racks are a suitable option for protecting network equipment.\r\nTechnical Specifications\r\nLight weight and solid structure\r\nEquipped with a spring pin system for easy separation of the front door\r\nGlass front door with strong metal frame\r\nIt has a cable passage cover panel with a hair brush in the upper part behind the rack\r\nSwitch lock system to prevent unauthorized access\r\nAir conditioning slots in the front of the roof and the bottom of the rack\r\nPlating cover of adapters and supports\r\nCable passage in the ceiling and floor for ease of cabling\r\nInstallation position of 2 fans on the roof of the rack

  • All kinds of racks and network equipment

    What is a network rack?\r\nIn order to answer the question of what is a network rack, it should be said that a network rack is a metal enclosure and one of the most important passive network equipment, which by accommodating various network components and equipment such as servers, routers, switches and patch panels, gives order to the network and It takes care of these tools and devices against physical damage and even theft. The use of a rack allows many equipments to be collected in one specific point, which helps to occupy less space in the work environment. Of course, the size of the racks is also different and is measured and expressed with the unit of measurement.\r\n\r\nStandard services:\r\nEngineering and design services\r\nLaser cutting services with fiber technology\r\nCNC punch services\r\nCNC bending services\r\nElectrostatic powder coating services\r\n\r\nProduction abilities:\r\nAll kinds of metal and aluminum parts and boxes\r\nAll kinds of server racks, network\r\nAll kinds of outdoor racks and cabinets\r\nAll types of cabinets and electrical panels\r\nThe body of all types of banking and information kiosks\r\nAll kinds of subracks and rack mount cases\r\nThe body of all types of fueling devices\r\nThe body of all types of compressors\r\nThe body of all types of ATMs

  • Production of all kinds of network racks and accessories

    Types of server rack, network and telecommunications and...\r\nTypes of open space (INDOOR) and closed space (OUTDOOR) cabinets\r\nTypes of panels and decorative elements and facades of buildings and urban spaces and...\r\nTypes of automatic teller machines (ATM), automatic ticket sales (TVM), banking and information kiosks, stands, safe deposit boxes, etc.\r\nTypes of compressor bodies, gasoline and gas dispensers, etc.\r\n Body types of electrical and control panels, UPS and...\r\nTypes of hood body, desktop gas stove, toaster and...\r\nTypes of server rack, network and telecommunications and...\r\nTypes of open space (INDOOR) and closed space (OUTDOOR) cabinets\r\nTypes of panels and decorative elements and facades of buildings and urban spaces and...\r\nTypes of automatic teller machines (ATM), automatic ticket sales (TVM), banking and information kiosks, stands, safe deposit boxes, etc.\r\nTypes of compressor bodies, gasoline and gas dispensers, etc.\r\n Body types of electrical and control panels, UPS and...\r\nTypes of hood body, desktop gas stove, toaster and...

  • Selling drop 12 core 2 core optical fiber cable (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur Company is a producer of all kinds of optical fiber cable drops under the Nira brand. Drop cables form a very wide range. Fiber optic cable installation methods FTTH drop cables, as mentioned earlier, are located at the joint end to connect the termination of the distribution cable to the joint location. They are typically small-diameter, low-fiber-count cables with limited span length without support that can be installed aerially, ducted, or buried, with colored fiber optic strands for easy identification. • The possibility of direct installation of the connector • It has a favorable bending radius and high tensile force • LSZH coated to prevent flame spread and toxic gas generation after ignition • It has a steel holder and reinforcement • light weight • Easy and quick installation

  • Selling drop 12k 3 core optical fiber cable (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur Company is a producer of all kinds of optical fiber cable drops under the Nira brand.\r\nDrop cables form a very wide range. \r\nFiber optic cable installation methods\r\nFTTH drop cables, as mentioned earlier, are located at the joint end to connect the termination of the distribution cable to the joint location. They are typically small-diameter, low-fiber-count cables with limited span length without support that can be installed aerially, ducted, or buried, with colored fiber optic strands for easy identification.\r\n• The possibility of direct installation of the connector\r\n• It has a favorable bending radius and high tensile force\r\n• LSZH coated to prevent flame spread and toxic gas generation after ignition\r\n• It has a steel holder and reinforcement\r\n• light weight\r\n• Easy and quick installation

  • Selling dropper 6 core 3 core fiber optic cable (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur Company is a producer of all kinds of optical fiber cable drops under the Nira brand.\r\nDrop cables form a very wide range. \r\nFiber optic cable installation methods\r\nFTTH drop cables, as mentioned earlier, are located at the joint end to connect the termination of the distribution cable to the joint location. They are typically small-diameter, low-fiber-count cables with limited span length without support that can be installed aerially, ducted, or buried, with colored fiber optic strands for easy identification.\r\n• The possibility of direct installation of the connector\r\n• It has a favorable bending radius and high tensile force\r\n• LSZH coated to prevent flame spread and toxic gas generation after ignition\r\n• It has a steel holder and reinforcement\r\n• light weight\r\n• Easy and quick installation

  • Selling 2-core 3-core optical fiber drop cable (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur Company is a producer of all kinds of optical fiber cable drops under the Nira brand.\r\nDrop cables form a very wide range. \r\nFiber optic cable installation methods\r\nFTTH drop cables, as mentioned earlier, are located at the joint end to connect the termination of the distribution cable to the joint location. They are typically small-diameter, low-fiber-count cables with limited span length without support that can be installed aerially, ducted, or buried, with colored fiber optic strands for easy identification.\r\n• The possibility of direct installation of the connector\r\n• It has a favorable bending radius and high tensile force\r\n• LSZH coated to prevent flame spread and toxic gas generation after ignition\r\n• It has a steel holder and reinforcement\r\n• light weight\r\n• Easy and quick installation

  • Selling optical fiber drop cable (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur Company is a producer of all kinds of optical fiber cable drops under the Nira brand.\r\nDrop cables form a very wide range. \r\nFiber optic cable installation methods\r\nFTTH drop cables, as mentioned earlier, are located at the joint end to connect the termination of the distribution cable to the joint location. They are typically small-diameter, low-fiber-count cables with limited span length without support that can be installed aerially, ducted, or buried, with colored fiber optic strands for easy identification.\r\n• The possibility of direct installation of the connector\r\n• It has a favorable bending radius and high tensile force\r\n• LSZH coated to prevent flame spread and toxic gas generation after ignition\r\n• It has a steel holder and reinforcement\r\n• light weight\r\n• Easy and quick installation

  • Selling dropper 6 core 2 fiber optic cables (Nira)

    Fater Rasanur Company (Nira): is a producer of all kinds of drop cables, drops are known as one of the most important parts of fiber optic networks. Because; As an important part of the FTTH network, Drop Cable forms the final external link between the subscriber and the feeder cable.\r\n\r\nIf these cables are installed and operated correctly, it will increase the reliability of the network, affect the operational and economic flexibility of FTTH deployment.\r\nFiber optic cable installation methods\r\nFTTH drop cables, as mentioned earlier, are located at the joint end to connect the termination of the distribution cable to the joint location. They are typically small-diameter, low-fiber-count cables with limited span length without support that can be installed aerially, ducted, or buried.\r\nIt has colored fiber optic cables for easy identification\r\n• The possibility of direct installation of the connector\r\n• It has a favorable bending radius and high tensile force\r\n• LSZH coated to prevent flame spread and toxic gas generation after ignition\r\n• It has a steel holder and reinforcement\r\n• light weight\r\n• Easy and quick installation

Network Services
Price list and manufacturers of network equipment including Fortygate firewall, Auxin fiber optic cable, telecommunication and fiber optic testing devices, network infrastructure services, passive network